MVeloce, MVC2 framework
We can find some pretty good MVC2 framework such as Struts or Barracuda. This frameworks are designed especially for efficient and large web application. It use mainly JSP for the view components.In order to increase the coding of web admin console (WebAutoDeploy and WebBuildEraser) and quick HTML outputs, we have decide to provide a small MVC2 framework with a full integration of Jakarta Velocity.
MVeloce provides :
- Model : the model is a class which implements the MVeloce BusinessAware interface. In this class, you can call your business code : EJBs Session, DAO, PersistanceCapable JDO, etc.
- Controller : MVeloce provides a uniq controller which extends the VelocityServlet.
- View : all view are representing with Velocity templates. You can use velocity macro in the templates.
- description file : the MVeloce controller use a description file which describes, for each URI, the business class and the velocity template to use. It's the glue between each components (view the reference page).
AutoDeploy Features
= Supported = Work in progress = Not yet supportedGeneral Support | |
MVC2 (uniq controller) paradigm compliant framework | |
Velocity template/macros view support | |
JSP and taglibs view support | |
i18n support with Message key/value design pattern |
- Commons Digester : XML parsing
- Commons Logging and log4j : logging system
- Jakarta Velocity : used for view components in WebAutoDeploy